TDS 5-1A1 | Shaper Cutter SC375x3.5x.5 Mortising For Type 2S Small Cases

This Shaper Cutter Provides a Means for Mortising Panels to Accept The Small Type 2 Latches and Receivers.
A Straight in-and-out Cut is Made.

Case Flange Recesses Are Not Accomplished with This Tool


Shaper Cutter Dimensions
Shaper Cutter SC375x3.5x.5

Shown Here is the Shaper Cut in a Solid Core Panel and the Maximum Recommended Latch Setback*

† Case flange recesses are not accomplished with this tool
Latch: S1125-2S-625
Shaper Cutter: SC375x3.5x.5

type 2S small latch shaper cutter sc375x3.5x.5
TDS 5-1A1


Stocking Distributor for Germany and Benelux Easy Click Systems


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